
Switzerland: report 2013

July, August 2013 :  A fourth, annual, music concert took place on a lovely day inside and outside the village hall of Burtigny.  There was music from barrel-organs, Alpine Horns and musical saws.

Around sixty people attended the event and enjoyed music and magic displays in a very relaxed and friendly atmosphere.  Refreshments were served and all the proceeds of this event will go to the orphans of Gao.

Many thanks to all the musicians, singers and other artists who kindly donated their time and support.

November, December 2013 :  For the third year in a row, a concert of music of the sixties was held in the Caves de Versoix, in favour of the orphans of Gao.  Three groups and one singer entertained around one hundred, delighted people with the sounds of the sixties.  The audience enjoyed music and refreshment late into the night.

The AAG would like to thank all the musicians and volunteers who contributed to the success of the evening.  We would also like to thank the town of Versoix who made the evening possible and helped us to support the orphans of Gao.


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AAG - Association d'Aide à Gao - Suisse - Email: