Mali: report 2011
July 2011 : The river water is rising and threatening to burst its banks. The price of fish is rising and there are few vegetables available for sale, only some very expensive potatoes and onions and a few stunted salads. These problems are compounded by the risk of shortages of diesel and sugar. This situation is difficult to bear on the eve of Ramadan.
On the 14 July a minute baby arrives. His mentally handicapped mother had thrown him away after his birth, relieved only that the pain in her abdomen had stopped. Despite all our best efforts and care ‘Aliou’ died after a week leaving us all deeply upset.
We learn that there is an outbreak of cholera in Mopti, Timbuktu, and it is moving towards Gao. Sophie immediately instigates a prevention plan, soap and bleach are distributed to all the families of our orphans.
The Catholic Mission has donated three large boxes of baby clothes and shoes which will keep our little ones warm in the cold season.
August 2011 : Operation Cholera Prevention has begun. Everyone is sitting on mats under the trees, Mariam has come to lend a hand and with the help of our picture box we go through all the necessary hygiene measures to protect people from cholera. The women listen very attentiviely and each subject; disinfection of utensils; family hygiene ; water hygiene and the management of excreta, is discussed at length. The women are very interested and ask lots of questions. At the end of the meeting we distribute soap and bleach. The women have thoroughly understood the message and thank us with thunderous applause.
We begin training staff to care for malnourished children who live far from any health centre. These staff are chosen by the heads of the ASACO ( community health associations ) from among their healthcare workers and assume responsibility for the areas from which they come. The will conduct tests and advise people of the importance of nutritious food and hygiene.
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Aminata, 11 weeks old, 2,5 kg.

Aminata, one month later
